KISS ARMY - THANK YOU to everyone who tuned in for the LIVE broadcast of THE KISS ROOM!
If you missed it, listen to the download right now!
Kick off the sixth season of THE KISS ROOM as Matt Porter is joined by: * Damian MonteCarlo from MACH 22! MACH 22 is opening the show for GENE SIMMONS and his band at the Trocadero in Philly! * Phil Shouse, guitar player from the Gene SImmons Band! *THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Steve Campagna, Fran Galanti, and Jim Zagiel) with a live set dedicated to Gene Simmons! * Nick Turner, promotor of the Gene SImmons show plus, Wizard World attractions Horror Fest, Galactic Empire and MORE! * a musical tribute to Sean Delaney courtesy of VinnieVin! * Plus Jim Knapp from Rock the Nation! * Chris Ann Colvin! * the return of Chris Giordano! * Rockstar Rob with a live report from Wizard World!